Spring Has Sprung?

I waited all year for that one blinding snow storm that kept us all in the house and made us worry about whether or not the world was ending.

Breaking news from Buffalo:

It never happened.

And I'm thinking it's safe to say that we may be free from such a threat until November. It seems like there is so much on the horizon. March is always a busy month...making it through.

A quick update.

1). The NCAA's have been picked, money has been paid. Nothing to do now but keep circling in red and blue and making fun of the guy who was dumb enough to take Duke over Lehigh. It may seem insignificant in the grand scheme of things and playing with a ball always is, but the boys and I have had a lot of fun. They were watching the games, and running out to the yard to shoot hoops in between. They don't have the ready-made two-on-two that we had as boys but they definitely have the trash-talking down. I wanted so badly to go out and shoot with them, but it's their time now.

2). Meat. It's all about putting the meat in the freezer. The cow has been butchered, just waiting on the call to pick it up and then spend an agonizing half hour trying to find room in the freezer - got that wifey? - make some space! Jim is also making noise about getting the sausage-maker going and every Tom, Dick and Weiser will come out of the woodwork to help. I'd say it's not about the sausage and all about the friendship but anyone who's ever tried it knows:

It's about the sausage.

3). Baseball is a few mere weeks off. If I have to be amused by people making their living with a ball I'm glad it's the small rawhide one. In recent years they've done everything they can to ruin the sport, but I always get excited by opening day. Always. I can remember where I was for every opening day back to about 1974. Let's go Yankees! Turn the 27-time into the 28-time World Champions

Just so I can annoy every single living thing within shouting distance of me!

4). This is usually the time when the golf clubs come out of hiding and I start imagining the hole-in-one and the long rides around the cow pastures we play in on Sunday mornings as I sit by the Grape Ape that I've been playing with since I was 16, and we laugh. My next neurosurgeon appointment is March 28th...I don't have a ton of hope, given the way I feel, but

I'm excited that there's still a chance.

5). Festival hopping. Oh Brother! The Life & Times of Jeff Fazzolari is being considered at the New York Book Festival come May and it was also entered in the Hollywood Book Festival. We are going from sea-to-shining-sea with it. Jeff's life has touched so many lives but there are so many more other people out there. Feels a lot like I don't want it to stop until everyone meets him.

That's not a bad goal, huh?

6). And the downside to spring?

Think of it.

One major problem.

Two dogs.

One backyard.

Plenty of bowel movements since October.

Get the shovel out, my beautiful wife.

I feel my back aching.


deafjeff said…
You should of been born with an innie!

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