The Queen Ain't in Charge?

Wow, saw the Sarah Palin movie on HBO and while I know that it is not a documentary there are plenty of people who were there who are coming out now and saying that it was pretty accurate.

I feel bad for the people who really thought she might do a good job someday as one of the leaders of the country.

I was never fooled. I recall telling my wife as I watched her debate Biden that I wanted to tap her head off the podium a few hundred times to see if there was anyway to knock sense into her.

Of course I don't condone violence in such matters...they would have been love taps...but she drove me crazy with her incompetence and I couldn't see how she could help the ticket garner even a single vote.

Anyway...we've been over that before.

The movie was good. It was good on a few different levels.

1). Woody Harrelson is a great actor. I'm not talking good, I'm talking great. It's a long way from Woody Boyd, but he is really believable in every single role. I thought he stole the movie and it was all really well done because...

2). ...because I was right back in that time, remembering how I felt when Palin butchered the Katie Couric interview and during that debate. I recalled all the commotion about Trip and Trigger and Donner and Blitzen, and the rest of the backwards-ass clan from Alaska, the state where we handle our relations with Russia because we can see it out our back window.

3). I also felt exactly how I felt back then...that I really liked John McCain. He has always seemed like a stand-up guy to me, and I liked him even more after seeing how he actually performed back then. He was presidential material which was more than I could say for his running mate and his predecessor in the party.

4). The exchange between Harrelson and Julianne Moore - who was great as Palin - on the plane as they prepped for the Biden debate was also classic.

"The queen isn't in charge of Great Britain? Then who is?" nearly made me fall out of bed and roll under it.

Which brings me to my final point.

5). Are politicians all really that sleazy?

Don't answer that.

But how, after realizing the error of their ways, did those in charge just forge ahead with their mistake. What would have happened had McCain won, and then died in office?

The country would have survived it, I'm sure...we will always survive...screwed up, of course, but still livable, but the question that remains is it all about winning for your side no matter what the cost to the greater good?

To be fair, Palin (the real Palin) disputes the facts of the movie. Recently she said that wasn't really her on Katie Couric.

It was ACTUALLY Tina Fey.

She also offered to debate Obama.

I could beat her in a debate.

Anyway, see it if you matter what side you're on or think you're on.

It's an American history lesson and last I checked that's what all of us aspire to be:



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