Rush is a Fat Drug-Addled, Idiotic Moron

Rush Limbaugh called a young college coed a slut in regard to the dumbest issue I've ever heard debated.

Should birth control be part of healthcare.

Rush shouldn't call people names.

That's mean.

Besides, he's a big, fat, stupid, drug-addicted blowhard who knows less about sports than he does about politics.

I don't really care for him.

And it's not that I don't listen to him now and again. I honestly do try to see if there is something that I'm not saying as I appear to be jaded in my cry to help people out a little bit.

I can never listen for more than a half an hour though because he usually says something so pompous and ignorant that I yell at the radio. I try hard not to call him names, but this is how I usually go as I flip the channel:

"Rush, you're a fat, stupid blowhard with no concept of anything but getting married, getting divorced, popping pills and abusing others."

And it kills me that somehow or another he is the voice of the right in this country. And that by being the voice he has lost all sense of competence and just yells in the other direction, whether it is sensible or not.

I argue things too, but when the other side makes a point, I am able to recognize it. Rush sees no point in that.

When Bin Laden was killed, I listened. How could you find a show to bash Obama out of that, right?

Wrong. Rush was bitching about the amount of credit the Democrats would take.

Talk about unifying.

And do you know what Rush's background is?

He was the backup announcer for Kansas City Royals baseball games.

Is it any wonder that he's just an ignorant slob behind the microphone?

I hope that girl sues him out of the business, off the airways, and out of the news.

That way he can curl up into a big fat ball and laugh himself to extinction.

Adios, dumb ass.

I'll try not to call you any names.


deafjeff said…
When did the liberals decide that they were the ones that didn't like the first amendment? I thought it was the second one that you bleeding hearts hated.
Cliff Fazzolari said…
Not talking amendments. He's just a dope.
Anonymous said…
I have never read as much liberal biased garbage as you posted here. Typical liberal hypocrite, no comments on Bill Maher and his name calling of conservative women. No comment on Bill Clinton and his legacy of sexually abusing women. How pathetic of you to make judgements on one while allowing the liberal jerks to get away with worse. Keep to your family and sports, something you may at least know a little about.

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