A Casey Anthony Free Zone

Do you know how many unattractive mothers are accused of murdering their children?

You probably don't because you're spending your time wondering how Casey Anthony is going to get away with murdering her child.

It is certainly troubling because there's a lot of time being spent discussing this case. I'm not sure why I know that Casey and her father may or may not have had a disturbing relationship. I don't know why I am drawn to the case like so many others.

The other day, out on a construction site, I saw two guys covered in dirt, eating sandwiches that had to have grime on them, debating about whether or not she did it and how much the grandparents knew about it. There was definitely a difference of opinion for these two guys, but they had one thing in common:

They both agreed that they'd 'do' Casey.

Of course the media is to blame. This is a case that should never have received the sort of acclaim that it has. The entire circus has been played out on television and even the child-killer seemed to be caught up in it. Casey was treated like Lindsey Lohan or Paris Hilton. The whole shebang...helicopters, news cameras, everything.

They made her a star.

And what she is accused of doing is absolutely mind-blowing.

I don't know. I just always found it sad that we are drawn to such garbage. But we all are! I watched the OJ case from gavel-to-gavel. I've certainly read articles about this idiot.

The tragedy of it all is that the hours that cover the case can be better spent showing a program that perhaps helps a mother cope with trying to raise a child alone. Maybe that would stop another mother who wants to go out dancing from snuffing out a life.

"You'd honestly 'do' her?" I asked the two guys.

"Definitely," said one.

"You gotta' admit she ain't bad," said the other.

What a crazy, mixed-up world.



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