I Got Nothing

So many days in my life I've jumped out of bed as if shot out of a cannon. Today, I got nothing.

Our hot water tank went and as I speak a new one is being installed. I couldn't have told you where the old one is located. That's maintenance's department.

All I know is that I can't shower. I can't really function without a shower.

The Yankees kept hitting into double plays last night. A double play is a real killer in baseball. As a fan of a team you get pumped up when a runner is on to start an inning. You start thinking about the possibilities like a two-run homer or a ball in the gap and when you see that hot shot directly at short, your heart sinks.

Sort of like life.

I'm gonna' do this, and this and that, and then you hit the sharp grounder to short and God doubles you up.

I've developed a small lump of pain about an inch below my knee. Not sure what to think of it, and its pretty quiet right now, but I called the doctor yesterday afternoon and was told by his very helpful secretary that the best time to get him was right at 4:30.

I called back at 4:30. The answering service picked up.

Still waiting on the call back.

6 to 4 to 3. Two outs and nobody on.

So, more down time today. I was telling a buddy today that the worst part of it all is seeing the confusion in the eyes of my ten-year old. He sort of wonders when I'll be back chasing him around the house, telling him to get to work.

"Suck it up and tough it out," he told me yesterday.


No big deal. It's only temporary. Sooner or later the ball is going to be rapped three feet left of the shortstop's reach and there will be runners on first and third, still with nobody out.

Until then...

...I got nothing.


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