Let Me Stop Thinking

And now all I do is sit in my darkened room and on occasion break my silence to howl at the moon.

Let me set the scene. Ten after eight in the morning and I have grated cheese, a loaf of French bread and ground sausage to mix with the meatballs (three guesses on who made sauce). My bill comes to $12.01 and I hand the girl a twenty. She counts out seven bucks and starts rooting around in the change.

"Seriously, you're giving me .99 cents back," I ask, fairly nicely.

"I don't want my drawer to come up short at the end of the day," she says. "Sorry."

Doesn't that just piss you off? Getting ready for the week ahead and we need to start it this way.

She hands me the change as I grit my teeth.

to curse every nerve and neuron in my brain that won't stop the pain I'm feeling and let me stop thinking.

"Can I get twenty-five pennies for a quarter?" I ask.

She thinks I've turned the corner and am seeing things the way she does. She doesn't mind counting them out because there's no one else in line. She hands them to me and smiles.

"Okay, now take these twenty-five pennies and the extra four pennies you gave me earlier and put them on the counter and when some poor bastard comes by with a one cent difference toss one in so your drawer ain't short."

I dropped the pennies in her open hand. Her mouth was open as well.

"That way you won't get 29 people worked up over a lousy freaking penny.

And now all I do is sit in my darkened room and on occasion break my silence to howl at the moon.To curse every nerve and neuron in my brain that won't stop the pain I'm feeling and let me stop thinking.

"Wow," she whispered.

"Have a wonderful day."


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