Creating a Monster

The telephone rang late last night. A-Rod had just stepped to the plate with 2 outs in the 9th in a game the Yankees were losing 6 to 1.

There weren't any runners on base. They had mustered a pitiful attack in a game they had to win. I had long since given up.

"It ain't over yet!" I heard Sam say into the phone.

He was talking with my father-in-law, who for all of his life hated the Yankees, but now sort of roots for them because Sam loves them. He wasn't calling to bust on Sam, but to see if his grandson would take it okay.

A-Rod took a called 3rd strike and the game was over.

"Texas sucks," Sam said defiantly. "I hope they enjoy it because the Yankees will sign Lee and win 2 of 3 next year."

I honestly don't know where this kid gets his information.

"So what? Let them win the World Series," Sam said. "If they win them all until 2037 they will tie the Yankees."

We all went to the Billy Martin school of "Don't take no shit from anybody."

But I know my boy is upset. It will be what he talks about all day. I sort of think its a good moment.

Life isn't about winning just because you want to. It isn't about getting your way each and every time. It certainly is about reacting to what is handed to you, even if it is something as tedious as a baseball game.

Over the weekend we will have a calm moment to talk about it. I will explain that it is really hard to win - no matter how many advantages you have and that it takes a lot of hard work, dedication and a tremendous amount of luck...and that sometimes it still doesn't work out.

The Yankees have won 'only' 27 out of 100. That's not good odds each year...but they will get back on the horse in a few months and try again.

Yes...I will work the life lesson in somewhere today.

And then we will sit back and bash all of the rest of the teams left.

Josh Hamilton.

He should have received a lifetime ban from baseball. Hell, Pete Rose did.

That's a good one...perhaps I can pass that on to my little Yankee monster.


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