Just a little over ten years ago I walked into a bank in New Haven, Connecticut to cash a paycheck. I was dressed in filthy blue jeans, a ripped shirt, and I was wearing a construction hardhat.

The teller was unbelievably attractive to me, and it wasn't because of her wonderful smile, or long blonde hair.

What she held in her perfectly manicured hands was what really drew my attention. This woman, whom I'd never seen before that moment, was holding a copy of my book Waldorf & Juli.

Judging by where her bookmark was, I understood that she was more than halfway through.

"How's the book?" I asked.
"Oh my God," she said. "It's hysterical."

I slipped my check across the counter. "I wrote it," I said.

She looked at me, down at the check, and then to the side of the book.

"Oh my God," she shrieked. "I love it! You're so funny! You have to sign it!"

Now I was a little embarrassed because I don't normally get such a response from good-looking girls, but I took the pen from her hand and signed the book. I had even more questions for her than she had for me.

"What made her buy the book? Did she really think I was funny? Did she think I was cute?"

As it turned out, meeting me seemed like a bit of a disappointment for her so I walked out of the bank with my money and she most likely tossed the book into the back of her closet, or sold it on E-Bay.

But either way. She had made my day just be reading along.

As an author, it is all about the reader. The book is not written with the reader in mind, but once it's out there, we authors love to make the girls shriek in happiness.

This Friday, SterlingHouse is giving away an autographed copy of my book, Nobody's Home. I worked hard on the story and was thrilled when it won an award at the New England Book Festival in 2009 in the fiction catgory.

For details on this free book giveaway go to and for a chance to win follow SterlingHouse on Twitter:

Win the book - read along. Make my day!


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