Dog Days

I swear to God sometimes I read things on the 'Net that simply blow my mind. Like today, for instance.

I just completed reading a story about a contested will. Seems a man about my age, Bret Carr, is contesting the will his mother left behind to distribute a pretty size able amount of cash. Bret was all set to cash in when his mother left, but he found out that there had been some changes made. As an only child, there wasn't a lot of competition for the nest egg, but he lost anyway.

Seems his Mom left a bit of the cash to others. Namely her three dogs. Three million bucks, actually. One mil for each Chihuahua, so that they can live as they are accustomed. They also get the run of the mansion until their deaths.

Bret got kibbles 'n bits in comparison.

Can you imagine?

Your mother cuts you out of the will so that she can provide for the dogs when she's gone?

And these dogs had a grand time of it while mommy was still kicking too. Conchita had a $15,000 necklace that she refused to wear as a collar. She also has a summer wardrobe that set dear old mom back $12,000.

Every article of clothing I've ever owned isn't worth 12 grand.

How does that poor bastard even show his face around town?

"Sorry about your Mom. How are the dogs doing?" Would have to send him into an absolute frenzy, right?

And it's all within the parameters of the law. You can leave money for your pets.

It begs one of my favorite lines about dogs.

"Why don't dogs have money?"

Because they don't have any pockets!

That poor guy. His Mom loved the dogs more. Talk about a bite in the ass.


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