Stay In Control

Its funny how the mind works, but early in the day, on my way to the first job site it entered my mind that I really needed to clip my toenails. I don't know how that registered, but perhaps it was because I punched a hole in my sock with the big toenail. Whatever, unless I was determined to climb trees, clipping my toenails was past the time of being due.

Yet being a tad obsessive compulsive I couldn't chase the thought. Here I was in the middle of my first day back after a tremendous vacation week, and I was driving myself crazy with the thought that my freaking nails needed to be clipped.

And so I thought a lot about control because what stresses all of us the most in life is feeling that we don't have control. We want to control the action of others. We need to control how the day plays out. Control, control, control.

And it occurred to me that there really is no such thing as having complete control. Crap is going to happen. Each and every day. And we are all separate little people struggling to control the end result.

Well, it just don't work that way. No matter how much we love someone we can't control their lives. We can't save them from getting sick, or doing something we don't want them to do.

We can't stop the bad crap from happening no matter how much it hurts our heart. There is little control.

So, what can we do? There is no surrendering here. I'm sure that I will always go down punching at the air.

But relinquishing some of the control is often times necessary.

Just work on what can be adequately managed.

Like cutting your toenails.

Does anyone have a saws-all?


I like this post. You write very well =)

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