Take a T.O., Baby!

The rain put a damper on the expected golf outing this morning. It allowed a bit of time to reflect, and refresh before the start of the week though, and I thought about the fact that as kids we used to take time outs all the time. There were time outs and do-overs, and arguments won and lost all in real time.

It's different as adults, right? We worry about three things at once: the troubles we've had in the past, the troubles we're having now, and the troubles we expect to have in the future.

Time out. Reflect.

So, what is there to reflect on?

Gary Coleman couldn't even get in the ground this weekend. The parents that didn't talk to him for twenty years filed a petition to stop the poor bastard's funeral. One final kick in the teeth. Big star, millionaire, falls down the stairs or something, and people are pulling at what's left of him.

Take a T.O. people - let him rest.

The oil washing up on the beaches in Florida is galling, isn't it? The idea that there is not enough blame to go around is sickening. The BP executive saying that shrimp comes from more places than Louisiana is infuriating. Chase the money around. People ignoring safety. Hiring the unemployed, not properly training them, no personal protective equipment - get out there and clean it up - doesn't seem right.

Time out.

New philosophy. I'm going to overlook the things that don't come from love.

I sound like a hippy on that one.

Yet there are so many things to concern yourself with on a daily basis, aren't there?

I listened to the rain hammering away on the street real early this morning. My vision of chasing a little white ball around a huge pasture was circling the drain. My first thought of the day was: Now what is there to do? No new writing - huge time-out on that one. Nothing planned...

...Nothing... Get a T.O., Baby.

Okay, maybe, church, pasta, family, Yankees.

All the things that shouldn't be overlooked.


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