Who the Hell is Lady Gaga?

Perhaps I am too busy occupying my mind with thoughts of the oil spill, or the war in Afghanistan, or whether or not Cano can continue to hit over .350, but I have no idea who the hell Lady Gaga is.

Is she one of those women who are famous for nothing, like Paris Hilton?

Is she one of the women who've flashed me a shot of their most private parts while getting out of a limo?

(Those come through my e-mail from time-to-time and since I'm a heterosexual male I might just glance to see what's doing).

Is she a great singer? A model? A brain surgeon?

I bring this all up because she's been in the news, or on the periphery of the news lately for giving everyone the finger at a Mets game.

(If I was forced to attend a Mets game I might be in a foul mood too).

She also showed up at her sister's graduation (I don't know her sister either) in a see-through dress, or flashed her boobies, or something.

(Didn't see the video clip, would've looked if it came across my e-mail - see above).

Maybe I'm way off base here. Perhaps she is a multi-talented performer who slipped through the cracks as I remained stuck in Stones-Springsteen-Mellencamp land.

That is possible.

I'm sure that my boys could enlighten me in one way or another, or even Kathy might have some idea. I sometimes get back in my car and find that the rap station has putrefied the inside of my truck after Kathy drives it.

That's my mission for the day: not real ambitious today - I'm going to find out who the hell Lady Gaga is.

I might even look for a song...

(better yet maybe there's footage of her getting out of a limo).


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