Send in the Locusts

People have been asking me how I've been - well this photo should show you exactly how I feel. Then this morning I wake up to the news of the airplane crash just 15 miles from the house, and it occurred to me that all I need now is an infestation of locusts to complete the past month.

Why does it feel as if everything is raining down? How I would kill for an evening of watching one stupid sitcom after another until I grew tired and went to bed. How I would love to say, man, "I'm bored."

Kathy asked, "What do you have going today?"
I answered, "Heartache."

Yet I will take a three-hour break tomorrow to go to the Hunter's Hope Celebration at the Bills Fieldhouse - I've told you all a million times that it's a great event -and not just because I'll have my books there and their sales will benefit the Hunter's Hope Foundation - but also because - this year, I'm feeling as though I need to see some friendly faces and perhaps trade a few hugs.

So - come on down - and if you see locusts falling from the sky, stay clear- it's me they're after.


deafjeff said…
You ain't the only one brother. My car decided to not start after work tonight.

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