Patience is a Virtue...

...that I don't normally have. In this world of instant gratification, in fact, patience is something that is lost for a lot of people. We want what we want when we want it, but life doesn't always work that way.

I wish I was more patient. I actually dislike impatient people, but I'm one of them. I can remember being young, and going with my father to a bank to cash my paycheck. He was going to, reluctantly, wait in the car, as I ran in and quickly did the banking. Of course, there was one teller and about eight people in the line. The teller didn't set the world on fire either.

I remember being sick about the whole thing as I imagined my father drumming his fingers off the steering wheel, swearing at me, at the bank, at the bus driver going by, and at the sun for going down so soon. Yet I figured that I was safe as he couldn't leave the car and embarrass me by screaming in the bank lobby - except he did.

"Bah!" He yelled out. (Everyone who knows a Fazzolari knows that 'bah' is our favorite word). Everyone in the bank turned to gaze at my father and his frenetic approach. Thier eyes went to me because that's who the crazed impatient man was looking at:

"It didn't take me this long to get my fu---ing mortgage!" He yelled out.

Everyone in the line laughed, but I wanted to crawl under the floor boards.

As I wait for Jeff to heal, I am reminded of the need to remain patient. Every 15 minutes or so, for the last two weeks, I've looked to the ceiling and said, "Bah!"

I immediately follow my bah with a prayer. What's the saying? Good things come to those who wait?

I'm waiting, I'm praying, and I'm holding my breath just long enough to tell myself to breathe. Hang in there with me.



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