A-Rod Homered - Yippee!

Not exactly the good news I was looking for, but a homer is a homer, right. Yet I need to spout off a little bit. I see that Obama is looking for some answers on the Health Care Issue and there are critics lined up to shoot down whatever the hell he says.

Let me tell you, I slept nine days on the floor of an ICU that was equipped with just three plastic chairs. When we asked to get the room vacuumed out the maintenance lady was aghast - "I don't know where there's a vacuum."

The staffs are short...the cost of medicine obscenely high. Insurance rejects claims without conscience. We were told that there may not be a bed available. To get the care you need, you may have to jump through hoops and that's not to mention the poor people who may not be able to get health care at all because their freaking jobs are gone and insurance is priced through the roof.

I've never really believed that anger is a sign of weakness - I actually like being angry from time to time, but I'm sick of being angry about the state of the medical care in this country.

I appreciate the efforts of the nurses and doctors. I'm certainly thrilled with the idea that they will work with me to ensure that a loved one is brought back to me, but when every second of the day they need to be concerned with some dumb ass lawyer suing them, some insurance company rejecting their claim, or the state and federal government cutting their aid... how can they do what they are supposed to do?

Why in the hell can we afford a new scoreboard for Ralph Wilson Stadium while some poor slob is sleeping on the hard floor, or putting two plastic chairs together to try and get rest while waiting on the medical care of a loved one?

Ah well, get over it. A-Rod homered.


Andrea Renee said…
Amen to that! This should be published in the My View column of the Buffalo News...

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