I Don't Care About A-Rod

Not one bit. I don't care if he did steroids, ate spinach, or ate hot dogs and drank his ass off like Babe Ruth. I don't care if he dates Madonna, Bella Donna, or Boy George. I don't care if it costs him a billion dollars to pay off his ex-wife, or that he sits shirtless on a park bench.

I would like to see him hit 40 homers and help bring a championship back to the Bronx, but as OJ taught me, it's not great to have millionaires who won the genetic lottery as idols of mine.

You know who my idols are?

My brothers and sisters who have given up their lives and their sanity to help my ailing brother.

The nurses and doctors who are working to help them out.

My friends who are calling, bringing cookies and brownies, and just being there to lean on.

And this isn't just a one-time, I'm in a crisis mode kind of thing. If someone were selling shirts with the name of a doctor or a neurosurgeon on them, I'd buy them and wear them as a uniform.

I have an A-Rod Yankee jersey hanging in my closet. I wear it when I see the Yanks play live. I don't pretend to idolize a man who can hit a ball with a bat.

So, if you think I'm surprised at the bad behavior, or somehow upset, don't worry about it - A-Rod can fall off the planet for all I care- just as long as the Yanks fill the four-hole with someone who hits a long home run now and again - it's an amusing distraction - nothing more, nothing less.

Go Yanks.


"An amusing distraction." Phenomenal writing.

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