What I've Learned

I've learned not to count on people I don't know. I have friends and family who would drive off a cliff to help me, but there are people out there who don't give two hoots if I get hit by a bus or make it through the day.

I've learned that everyone is searching for an advantage and that it usually boils down to money. In the greatest weakness of my life, I have never truly given the right amount of respect to what is essentially just paper and ink.

I've learned that a good spouse is perfect companion to work your ways through days of doubt, but that a bad spouse can bring the dark clouds on a routine basis. We choose the people we make the journey with - choose wisely.

I've learned that when shit happens, it multiplies. It always seems that bad things happen in tens. Things begin to ricochet in my mind and all of a sudden all hope seems lost. (See next lesson).

I've learned that this too shall pass. All of the worries of today are gone with the coming sun of tomorrow. Take a deep breath and chances are - your troubles go away.

I've learned that when life seems darkest there are rays of light shining through. I have a world of great friends who make me smile when I don't feel like it. Thank God for those people.

I've learned that work will always be there. Think of the crucial deals of just a year ago - who gives a shit now? Another deal is one call away - why the hell am I worrying about it?

I've learned that no one will ever love me like my mother did. She was my best roommate, my best cook and cleaner and the person who loved me most. By the time I leave this world, that will have not changed.

I've learned that I pleased my father a long time ago. Now that I'm a Dad, I understand the motivation and what it meant to push and push and push. The trick is knowing when to stop pushing and when to just love - my dad got it, I still try and find it.

I've learned that there must be a love for a higher power. When all else fails and when we are looking for answers, faith must fill the void, because at the end of the day, what else is there?

If we are doing this one day at a time; one failed lesson after another; one heartbreak after another; there has to be a place for us to hang our hats - and God Help Me - God has to have the answer.


Excellent. (Clap, clap, clap,clap, clap). :-)

You've learned. You've taught.

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