First Penance

My boy, Sam, is making his first penance this coming week. He's only 7 - I'm not sure he knows how to sin yet. In fact, I'm sure it's a confusing time for him, as the Catholic church is allowing him the chance to start feeling guilty about every move he makes.

I'm still battling the Catholic guilt.

In any regard, it brought to mind my first confession.

My knees were shaking, and the priest - Father Weiss - scared the living crap out of me.

I got into the box and couldn't even see the priest. I struggled through the opening prayer and here is our exchange on my first confessed sin.

Me: "I stole a piece of salami out of the 'fridge."

Father Weiss: (No doubt stifling laughter) - "Are you sorry for your sin?"

Me: "Yes."

Father Weiss: "Did you replace what you took?"

Me: "No, I ate it."

As I was discussing this with my wife, she asked if I were making it up. I swear it is absolutely true. God Bless Father Weiss for working me through it.

Couple of things - First - stealing the salami certainly wasn't my last sin. Second (Some news for Father Weiss) - Given the same scenario these days - I'd eat it again.

God Bless Sam, he doesn't have many sins to confess yet - perhaps I can give him pointers on what to cop to.


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