You Like Grey?

If grey is your favorite color, you’re in luck.

I’ve been trying to figure out when was the last time I’ve seen the sun.

Before Christmas, which we basically missed because…

…the weather sucked!

And while we sit here in the cold, grey of every day, there’s been a massive storm out west.

Cars floating away.

Scary stuff.

Put on Bruce:

“Hello sunshine, won’t you stay?”

Great song. I’m going to play it on a loop the next time I see the damn sun!

And going through my normal day, a coworker that I play golf with in the summer sent me a photo of the damn sun, and his ball on the tee out in Vegas.

He’s supposed to be out there working.

He’s not a pro golfer though, so I imagine he was skipping everything and hitting the ball.

“ I hope you shoot 100,” I texted back. “And put 4 in the water.”

He answered an hour later.

“42 on front 9. Sun is in my eyes.”

I ended our exchange with:

“I hate you.”

There’s going to be 80 or more days of blah.

I don’t ever want to wish time away…

…but hello sunshine…

…won’t you stay?

…I hate grey.


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