Takes A Month

Maybe it’s the weather.

Perhaps it’s the coming golf trip.

But the 5 days that make up a week seems to take a month these days.

I heard the rear brakes making noise on my car, and I had a decision.

I’m a month away from paying off my car - first time that’s ever happened - I usually get a new one before the final payment is made.

I got the brakes done. The noise went away.

THAT noise went away!

I gave my buddy Tim a ride when he came up from Syracuse to go to the Bills game. I wasn’t even out of the driveway before he announced:

“You got a bad wheel bearing. I hope we make it.” 

Tim is a mechanic by trade.


Back to the shop!

They replaced the wheel bearing and as I drove away, (car was nice and quiet), the dashboard lit up like a Christmas tree.



“Hill steep” something or other.

I needed the car and couldn’t leave it. 

I called Tim.

“They screwed up a sensor. Car will run fine but those lights won’t go off until they replace the sensor.”

That doesn’t work when you’re OCD.


Meanwhile, the notebook I use to write reports shut off and wouldn’t turn back on.

Contacted I.T.

“No problem! We will replace it. Going to take a few days to ship it out - we have to put the company safeguards in place.”


So, I’ve been using my I-phone. Which slows me down, and it’s a change.

Not big on change!

So, how do I handle it?

I have a golf ball in the center console.

When it gets too much, I pick that ball up, and imagine that first swing on the tee.

80 degrees. Shorts. Ball going down the center.

The five days that make up a week takes a month here in the cold, grey environment of Buffalo.

Those four days in the sun?


Going to feel like 10 minutes.



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