What A Mess!

 Society appears doomed.

Look at that photo.

I assume that is a father and a son and that the photo is real. Sometimes that’s tricky as all sorts of things can be messed with on the internet. I’ve personally seen my head on Kobe’s body, at a strip joint, in all sorts of drunken situations.

Let’s presume it is true because it most likely is. There are all sorts of messages written at every protest and gathering.

What sort of respect for women is he teaching that boy?

And I spent the afternoon listening to people rail about the student loan forgiveness.

My God!

They’re wiping away rabid interests on loans that were basically loan shark rates.

For people making less than $75 grand!

I talked about this before. I paid my student loans back but it was possible to do so then!

I also wasn’t charged $35 grand a semester.

College was affordable in the 80’s.

Loan repayment was possible!

Since I repaid my loans am I mad about those who were forgiven some of their debt?


I am happy for them.

What’s amazing is that people who are railing against it are the kings of welfare and non-payment of anything!

I know of a so-called billionaire who pays less than a grand in income tax a year and had six bankruptcies!

He’s the head of the party.

Companies were forgiven the PPP loans.

Airlines were bailed out.

Banks were bailed out.

Wall Street was bailed out.

How about the poor?

The kids?

Give them a chance!

They aren’t responsible for the money problems.

To see the answer to who is stealing all the money…

…try looking at where all the money is!

And as for the two in the above photo:

How embarrassing.


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