Need Some Energy!

“But your eyes go blind and your blood runs cold. Sometimes I feel so weak I just want to explode.”

It gets that way in the summer time.

Been going hard for months.

The last round of golf was rough because I couldn’t stay down on my iron shots.

There was back pain and no matter how many times I told myself to stay down…

…up I came.

Hit the top of the ball.

And work on Monday brought more fatigue rather than a feeling of rest coming off the weekend.

More jobs. More calls.

Just keeps coming.

Until you feel so weak you want to explode.

But I have thoroughly enjoyed the summer, playing golf, walking from site to site in brilliant sunshine, and playing ball with Oliver as soon as I walk through the door.

(He’s relentless).

On Tuesday morning I left the house before six a.m.

It wasn’t warm and it was still dark.

“Damn,” I thought. “It’s starting to go the other way.”

Of course, there’s time left to enjoy the sunshine, but I’m already fully dreading the coming cold weather, and the snow, and the wind chill factor and the end of baseball season.

So, feeling a tad fatigued, but I’ll push on.

Will stay low on the iron shots, and work with Ollie until he catches every ball I can throw.

There’s still about 60 days of good weather left!

Then I’ll spend way too many days in the house…

…waiting on the sun.


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