What the Hell Happened?

I didn’t have a lot going on at 8:00 last night, and my night got way worse when my beautiful wife asked if I would sit with her and watch “Big Brother.”

“You can read stuff on your phone,” she reasoned. 

Yet, television is a hard thing to ignore.

I saw a 5-minute clip of a woman eating potato chips.

Then there was some sort of contest featuring a half-dozen 20-somethings dressed in costumes in pools of what looked like sewage.

They were competing for veto power or head of household.

I was thrilled that I didn’t understand and that it seemed like a colossal waste of 60 minutes.

Yet, I made good use of my time by watching interviews of people who were attending a big political rally in Wisconsin.

I learned that JFK Jr. and Michael Jackson are still alive and are plotting with the orange menace to bring order to the world and that it was going to happen “soon.”

“It’s hard for unintelligent people to understand,” one woman, covered in Trump gear, said. “Because you really need to understand math to comprehend how the world really works.”

The guy doing the interview asked for an example.

She asked him to give her a phrase.

“America is in deep trouble,” he said, mockingly.

“146!” She yelped after looking at her phone. “You know what else is 146?”

“No, I don’t,” the interviewer said.

“Let’s Go Brandon!” She responded. “Doesn’t that just prove it to you? I have goose bumps!”

The interviewer was able to keep a straight face.


“This right here tells us where we are headed in this country.”

The interviewer kept pressing on.

“Who is the president now?” He asked.

“JFK Jr.,” she said. “And Trump.”


“They are one in the same,” the woman said.

My God!

My God!!

My God!!!

What in the hell happened?????

I finally went up to my bed.

I know I’m one of the unintelligent ones but I decided to read.

From a book.

Still didn’t quite shake the stupid.


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