Red Hen

Sarah Huckabee Sanders and some of her friends visited a restaurant in Lexington, Virginia and they were promptly asked to leave the Red Hen by the owners who had a moral problem with serving her because of who she works for.


This is coming after the baker refused to bake a cake for a gay wedding. It’s also on the heels of a Kentucky clerk not wanting to hand out marriage licenses to gays.

It was bound to happen.

It’s also bound to get worse.

The divide in the country is now a gaping wound. The children in cages at the border felt like something different because there has been a great outrage.

Sarah Huckabee Sanders has a horrendous job, but she has also been absolutely defiant as she has tried to pass off the lies and half-truths as universal, and biblical statements of morality.

She has been trapped in lies, and she’s embarrassed by it, but (with the exception of last week when she didn’t show at all) she has stood there and rolled out one crazy statement after another.

She’s even refused to acknowledge when she’s been caught red-handed.

About a month ago, a young kid stood up and asked a question about gun violence at the press briefing. He wanted to know what the administration was doing to keep him from getting shot at his desk.

Sanders was visibly choked up. It was a true human moment.

And then she lied to the kid!

What’s disturbing about it is that there are a number of people in the administration who run to the Bible to try and justify their actions.

Kids in cages?

The Bible says that we must follow the rule of law.


Jesus’ stand on kids being separated from their parents as they ran from war-torn areas would be:

“The Law is the Law, them’s The breaks?”

But this can be a very dangerous moment in time.

“I’d hire you but I noticed you have a Trump sticker on your truck, so, sorry about that.”

Or, you show up to the diner with your MAGA hat on and the cook says, “No soup for you.”

And I can only see people digging their heels in deeper.

Huckabee Sanders may never get to eat at a restaurant again.

Some people are angry at the owner of the Red Hen.

Others were thrilled with the stand she took.

It’s a no-win situation, but make no mistake where and when it began:

You simply cannot make generalizations about groups of people, and exclude them from being a part of our country.

And if you’re the one who suddenly finds yourself on the outside looking in... shouldn’t come as a great surprise.


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