
A story made the rounds yesterday about a mother breastfeeding her child.

The pair were from Ecuador, I believe, and they were looking for asylum.

Not sneaking in. Not smuggling drugs. Not running guns.

They were looking for help.

Didn’t find it.

They were separated...before the feeding was even over...and the child was moved to a cage.

There is some dispute as to the validity of the story (its being disputed by those who allegedly did it) but the story did ring true when the attorney general stepped up and began quoting the Bible to back up the lack of compassion.


Jeff Sessions said that following the rule of law is in the Bible. He’s certainly cherry picking a bit, don’t you think? It appears he skipped all the compassion stuff.

That’s what truly pissed me off about it.

We have some strange ideas of what America means these days. There are plenty of people who no longer want people coming to America.

“Send ‘em back!” Appears to be the new rallying call. “They’re taking our jobs!” “They’re getting free stuff!! They’re rapists and criminals!!”

It’s a tired battle and one that is absolutely polarizing.

Yet, no matter where you stand on the issue, you must agree that taking a child that is being fed by her mother, can’t possibly be what was intended by the Man who inspired the Bible stories.

Can I possibly be reading that wrong?

“We have to get the word out,” Sessions said. “They try to get in they best leave their children at home.”

“We’re closed!” Trump announced.

This is what some people truly want of this country?

Scared, hopeless, desperate people are arriving at the gate and they not only aren’t being taken in...

...they are being arrested, separated and put into cages.

Like animals.

They asked Sarah Huckabee Sanders about it.

She’s a mother.

She had less than zero sympathy, and then she ended her press briefing by talking about her love of country and, of course, God.

God and love of country reside in the heart.

But you gotta’ have one first.


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