No Racists Here

There was a black comedian, the late, great Patrice O'Neal, who made the following observation:

"I've never met a racist."

And why that is such an astute statement is because no man will ever admit to the fact that they discriminate against another man because of the color of their skin.

"I'm not a racist!" Is the rallying cry of every single racist in the land.

I may be a tad naive when it comes to racism.

I tell you, I was really skeptical regarding some of the claims made by some of the men who were bullied by the cops in incidents across this country.

The Sandy Bland situation changed my way of thinking on it a little bit.

What we know for sure:

Bland was heading to a job interview in Texas.

She was stopped in a routine traffic stop for making an illegal lane change.

Bland was yanked out of the car and forced to the ground and multiple officers used excessive force to subdue her.

This wasn't a 300-pound man, folks.

She was charged with 'assault on a public officer' and taken off to jail where within 72 hours she was dead.


Glenn Smith is the sheriff from the county there in Texas. He came out and told us that black lives matter. He was also suspended for racism within the last ten years. He says that Bland committed suicide and that:

He's not a racist!

The black and white cemeteries are separate in that county.

"Make sure that white woman isn't buried next to the black people."

One of the judges said:

"This is the most racist counties in all of the most racist state in the country."

Was it a suicide or not?

I'll let other people figure that out, but what we know for sure is that:

Sandy Bland's life is over after just 28 years.

She was in a jail cell for making an illegal lane change.

The cop who 'fought' with her was placed on administrative leave after the video from his camera dash was reviewed.

You know, part of what Patrice was saying comes to play when we all think like this about such things:

"If she wasn't in trouble with the cops in the first place this might never have happened."



You never made an illegal lane change.

You can scream that you aren't a racist every single day, but when your actions show otherwise, guess what:

You're a racist.


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