A Lot to Do

The summer goes by really quickly because it seems as if there's a party or two every week.

We had people by for Jake's graduation who were heading off early to their third party of the day.

It brings to mind what my college roommate from Greece once told me:

"You Americans have too many parties," he said. "It's kinda' stupid."

"Shut up and drink your beer," I responded.

By the time that semester wore down he and I weren't the best of friends. Our love for a party and his wanting to study (nerd) clashed a bit.

Oh well...hope he's doing good back in Greece.


My role at the party has certainly shifted these days.

The kids were gathering to shoot hoops...they asked me to join them.

"Can you see I can't stand up straight?" I asked.

"You don't look any different to me," one smart-ass kid said and then he proceeded to run at my rim and dunk the ball, shaking the rim and backboard.

"Don't break my hoop!" I yelled and then immediately thought of my father yelling out to us.

I actually chided myself to let them go.

And I retired to the house.

It's a funny thing about your kids...you watch them grow...but you sorta' think that they're a little too goofy to head out into life unless you help them with every little step.

My beautiful wife knows this better than me...

...the temptation to cut up their meat proves too much on most days.

But I watched Jake being gracious as he opened up his cards and met with the family.

I thought about making sure that he would thank his mother for planning it out and working hard to get it done.

I decided to see if he'd do it on his own.

I wasn't worried about it...we've raised good boys...but I wondered.

Yet Jake didn't disappoint.

He thanked us both.

But as I look around at the mess left this morning I almost agree with my ex-roomie...

...too many parties lately!

Can't wait for next weekend.


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