Milk for Two

It seems that every single year we hear something about a mother who is being scorned for breast-feeding in public.

I know that it's done for some reason...evidently there is a breast-feeding awareness month.

Why do we need that?

Aren't we all sort of aware that it is possible to breast-feed?


What do you make of that photo?

That's a mother breast-feeding her kid...and the neighbor kid, evidently.

A tad weird, if you ask me.

And I'm just thinking of the future.

What if these two remain friends through the years?

Can you imagine the conversation at the age of 15?

Tommy: Do you wanna' come over to my house?

Billy: Is your Mom gonna' be there?

Tommy: Don't start that shit.

Billy: Remember when she breast-fed me? You think she'd be up to do that again.

Tommy: Not funny, dude.

No matter.

We are now going to have people debating the issue and I guess that's good for the raise the awareness thing, right?

I actually saw a woman breast-feeding her baby somewhere in the past airport, I think.

It didn't bother me.

In fact, I looked away (Those nuns did a number on me).

Yet there are people who want to fight about it.

Breast-feed, don't breast-feed.

I don't care.

Yet it makes me smile because of one Rodney Dangerfield joke:

My mother didn't breast-feed me. She said we were just friends.

It doesn't get much better than that!


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