A Disrespected Millionaire, Tim Tebow & The Donald

There's so much to hold your interest these days, right?

We have a Donald sighting each and every day.

He says whatever he wants, offends women, entire races of people, even Heidi Klum (who is no longer a 10), backtracks, double-speaks, refuses to apologize...

...and becomes more popular by the minute.

On the other side Hillary tries to make the email thing not stink but can't seem to answer it to anyone's satisfaction.

The good news is that we only have another 14 months to hear from the gathering of people who want to be the next president!!

Who believes that that might just become a tad unbearable?

Back to Donald for a moment...

"Heidi Klum is no longer a 10?"

Is he running for president of the 7th grade?

I think we worked on ranking the girls in our 7th grade class...it even felt sleazy when we did it back then.


Marcel Dareus...my favorite Buffalo Bill...see: driving into a restaurant, drug charge, showing up late...is feeling disrespected.

You see, Dareus is due for a pay raise.

The Bills offered him $90 for his time over the next 5 years.

That was a flat-out insult to Dareus!

And you know what's funny?

There were people on social media saying:

He deserves it! He's great!!

(Exact same people, oddly, who don't want to see people in the fast-food industry get enough money to live a life).

Please pay the poor man, right, Pops?


Tim Tebow appears to be on the verge of making the Philadelphia Eagles.

Not sure if you heard that anywhere.

Tebow is mentioned on ESPN every now and again, but you have to time it perfectly...

...it's at the top of every hour and every three minutes after that.

Good for Tebow.

I have absolutely nothing against him...make the team...score some touchdowns...hold a vigil at mid-field...tell us all about your Love of God.

But can the announcers give us a little bit of a break?

We don't need show after show after show after show that chronicles his every move.

People don't despise Tim Tebow because he has faith in God.

People just don't want to hear about it every minute of every telecast...

...at least I don't.

I'd have to turn it off, frankly...

...and find The Donald.

You know...

...to balance out the love and the hate.


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