The Voice In Your Head

Started reading the Untethered Soul and while I'm not big on the self-help books I did like chapter one where it told me that the voice in my head that is shouting out tasks all day is basically being piloted by a real asshole.

The voice is always critical, always doubtful, and rarely ever encouraging.

I thought that was an interesting concept so I started paying more attention to the directions she was giving.

(Given the above descriptions you just have to assume the voice is a 'she').

And it was true.

Many of the negative things that were getting in could be dismissed with a loud 'shut-up' to the creeping voice that was doubtful, cynical, and not trusting.

It leads to some weird scenarios however as half my day I'm stumbling around mouthing 'shut-up, shut-up, shut-up, shut the f%&^k up!' now.

But it does make sense.

If we can stop the down thoughts from controlling where we go and what we do we will certainly be happier. Now to stop the other negative stuff from bouncing around in there, but how do you turn a deaf ear to:

1). Donald Sterling and that whole sordid tale. He won't pay his fine. Now his wife can have the team. Where is the girlfriend.

With Magic?

2). Ray Rice and his then-girlfriend, now-wife who he punched unconscious and then dragged her from the hotel by the hair. That dopey girl appeared beside him at his news conference and apologized for making him punch her lights out. She got him mad, I guess, and she shouldn't do that.

I hope they both go away.

3). The gunman in California (I suppose-there were plenty more to choose from) who legally purchased guns and shot out the window of his BMW, picking off people because he couldn't get laid, evidently. That was the most eye-catching of the gun deaths this week (4,106 so far this year, folks), but we don't need to do anything at all about that societal problem because our forefathers thought it would be a nice idea to slaughter our fellow citizens.

The cops interviewed him before the slaughter. They thought he was a good dude.

4). Judge Judy on prime-time! My buddy shot me a text with her annual salary for doing the show. It's pretty well up there. I don't care. In fact, I've always wished they never disclosed the pay of the sports stars because when you break it down and think about it, it kind of sours how you feel about what they're doing. I wish I had a nickel for every time I'd yell at A-Fraud..."For that $ you should homer every time up."

But J.J. does homer every single time. Go get 'em!

5). The sun is shining! Okay, so the voice in my head let a good thought in, but with the shining sun I suddenly need to think about all the things that need to be done. I chased the kids out to pick weeds and then followed behind them and filled a bushel basket with weeds they missed as I heard the bouncing basketball. I painted the back stairs where the dogs hit the head because it was filthy and peeling. Speaking of which, the asshole voice in my head told me about the missing piece of siding, the chipping paint on the garage, and the messy garage.

I wish she'd shut the hell up.

The voice in my head.

I mean.


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