There's a Squirrel!!

What a downer the weather has been. I don't know what to expect of April, but I think that it was real nice real early last year.

This past week was way too wet.

It brings you down.

Even if you're a dog as a passenger in a car as you go bye-byes twice a day.

Melky and Paris are on high alert as we drive through the neighborhood. We are looking for anything. Another dog out for a walk:

(I swear Melky laughs at a walking dog, like 'Ha ha, bitch, I'm mobile.)

The big discovery one day was a deer. Paris' poor eyes nearly popped out of her head.

Then the groundhog. I could almost hear Melky thinking, Damn, and the vet called me fat.

Yet our biggest excitement is when the squirrels come back around and not just because it helps with the rhyme:

Melky is my buddy, Paris is my girl, Melky is my buddy, we're looking for a squirrel

Yeah, I've officially gone around the bend, but they seem to really enjoy my voice.

The funny thing is that Paris is easy to read.

She doesn't like to get yelled at, and she knows that will happen if she jumps out of the car and chases the squirrel up a tree.

But she does it anyway.

She's willing to take the berating for darting across the street.

All for a moments excitement.

And therein lies the lesson for us stupid humans, I suppose.

Especially in this day of instant gratification.

We know it's wrong. We know we shouldn't be doing it. We understand the consequences.

We are willing to take our chances.

Because it's been a long, cold, dark winter, and we have to get after it, right?

Paris has yet to catch that damn squirrel, and she always cowers when she comes back after yet another unsuccessful trip.

But I can almost read her mind:

Damn it's good to have the freaking squirrels back.


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