Where Were You?

My boy had a homework assignment to ask us about September 11, 2001.

"How'd you find out?" Sam asked my beautiful wife.

"Dad called me," Kathy said. "When he told me about the first plane I thought it was an accident but we were on the line when the second plane hit."

Sam turned to me.

"How'd you call Mom?" he asked.

"I picked up my phone and dialed the number," I said. "She answered and we talked."

"No!!!" He said. "Why did you call her so fast, were you scared?"

I thought about it for a moment. Looking back 11 years with all that we now know...

"Yeah," I said. "I was scared. I was scared for all the people inside. I was afraid of what happened in our country. I couldn't believe it could happen."

"What were you doing when you found out?"

"I was listening to Howard Stern. It was a beautiful morning."

Sam was trying hard to piece it all together.

"Did you know Bin Laden did it?"

"I'd never heard of Bin Laden," I said. "I really never had any idea it could happen. Life's different since then."

Sam asked Jake what he remembered. Jake had been in pre-school.

"Dad took the television," he said. "I was just trying to watch cartoons."

After Sam wrote down our answers I thought about how shocked and angry I'd been on that day. I remembered every photo, and thought about the pain.

"You think it could happen again?" Sam asked me a little while later.

"My God, I hope not," I said.


Pray for peace, would you?

In all areas of life.


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