National F*&%up League

Are you ready for some football?

What a great game on Monday night, huh?

The first game to ever end on a game-winning interception.

And I have to tell you, I thought it was a lot of fun. As soon as the ball nestled into the defensive back's arms and the replacement refs signaled a touchdown for the wide receiver who was in the same end zone, the fun began.

I happened to be awake at the time. I didn't watch the game, mind you, but I had the good sense to switch to the game at the precise moment the play was taking place.

I watched the angry Packers storm off the field. I watched the Seahawks explain that it was a perfectly good play. I listened to the crying announcers.

And then I went to Twitter where the comedians took over.

A lot of fun.

And don't get me started on that league anyway. They take public money and then blackout the games. They know that they can take money hand over fist and they could really give two craps about their fans because they know they have a zillion of them.

"The replacement refs are ruining the integrity of the league," someone wrote.



Isn't the NFL the same league that allows the talent to drink and drive and rape and pillage all year long?

A bunch of their big stars are real gems when it comes to integrity.

Ray Lewis- convicted of obstruction in a double murder. He is glorified before every Ravens game.

Michael Vick - convicted of murdering dogs. I love the stories of how great a guy he is now. Thank God.

Ben Rapistpervert - was it rape-rape or legitimate rape? He was cleared, right? Both times.

Marshawn Lynch - He's a beast. Especially when he's driving drunk on a road near you.

Michael Turner - He joined the DWI club after his big game - last week.

I'm not even hitting the fringe players! Those are the stars!!


That's funny.

Keep watching, folks. There's a game on the NFL Network on Thursday night.

Get your bets down. Vegas line will be close. Guaranteed to stay within a half a point!

Pray that if you go to the game the refs get it right. Then watch yourself as you're walking away from the publicly-funded stadium....

(And you have to go to the game if you want to see it because it ain't on free television)

...the Porsche coming around the corner driven by the idiot millionaire may run you down.



Anonymous said…
The best part of the NFL..
2 to 3 years after these high dollar thugs leave the game. You'll read about them filing for bankruptcy!!!
Then were supposed to feel sorry for them! Gota love it...
Cliff Fazzolari said…
Or they suffer thru uncompensated injuries and die in their 40's
Anonymous said…
I've been thinking, that's never a good thing!!
We should start a Union for the fans of professional sports...
Then go on STRIKE!!!!
You in!
Cliff Fazzolari said…
I could definitely boycott NFL, NHL and would be tough to give up and they've tried to alienate all of us!
Terry87 said…
Forever more, let's just say "The Owners say..." whenever Goodell speaks. No more, "The league office says..." He negotiates against the players on behalf of the owners. The zebras get locked out and he condones everything. He takes a stance against whatever the owners tell him to. FOX news likens this to the Chicago strike. Shockingly, they take the typical anti-union stance. It's hardly a comparison.
The owners want the officials to quit their "other" jobs with no compesnsation. They want the officials to take a 401k and bag their pensions. Imagine telling your grandfather or father that you opted for your pension to be in the stock market instead of a bank somewhere. Then duck. This is where they take a swing at you. It's insane. Thank God someone stood up to these billionaires and told them to shove it.

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