Does Your Vote Count?

I live in a blue state.

New York will vote Democrat in the presidential election. All of the electoral votes will go to Obama. It's already set in stone.

It's kind of like the NFL season.

We already know the basics.

So, does it matter if I go vote?

Bush lost the popular vote in 2000. He, of course, was named president...the circumstances are a bit muddled.

I know a lot of people who don't vote.

"That's how they pick you for jury duty," one buddy told me. "I don't want to get involved."

He's never voted. Never served on a jury either.

I have voted religiously since I turned 18. Hell, I voted for Walter freaking Mondale!

Yeah, that was me.

But I don't see the point now. Just as I don't see the point to argue anything. When fact checkers are counting the lies the candidates tell, during the speeches, it kind of turns me off to the whole thing.

When they parade the family out there, and the wife cries and the children and the dogs make an appearance (just don't put them on top of the car), I cringe.

And it don't matter.

You live in Buffalo, New York and you vote for Romney/ lose. You vote the other way and you win. You don't vote at all, it doesn't matter. It's all settled.

So why all the ads?

There has been a billion dollars spent so far and we're two months away. We see the pro-Romney ads here.

Wasted money.

We see the pro-Obama ads.

Don't need to see them.

So, some 30 years after casting my first vote for Walter, I'm thinking of not doing it.

No sense.

Someone out there tell me why it matters one iota.

"You don't vote, you don't have a right to complain," Another friend, who does vote, told me.

"Oh, I'll be complaining," I said. "Either way."

"True," he answered. "In an avalanche of lies, a truer statement has never been spoken."


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