What We Want

Listening to the speeches and the reaction to the speeches. Last week it was RNC and this week it's DNC.

The messages are muddled.

Let me be more direct.

1). We want a chance to earn a fair living at a fair wage with time off to hang with our families.

2). We want the opportunity to choose our own religion, and be our own man or woman regardless of race, sex or creed. A belief in God is a very personal relationship. If you pray to Tom Cruise, good for you. If you worship rocks, enjoy. The religion fight really galls me in this day and age because isn't that why we all came floating over here? To keep it the hell out of government? (Yes, John, and the schools).

What the hell is creed anyway?

(Just kidding, I know they're a band).

3). We want a chance to send our kids off to school so that they can learn a trade and find a decent job when they get out so they can have a family and work their fingers to the bone and never seem to get ahead too.

4). We want some time off to go to a ballgame or a dance recital or a Bruce concert. Life is about living and we feel alive when we are sharing moments with people we love, not going to work with a group of people who we frankly could give two shits about.

5). What we want is to not hear about the people that are sitting at home living off the work we do. There isn't one person in the country who is for that. If you can work, we want you to. If you can't because of disability, we will help. We are American after all.

6). What we want is to not hear about millionaires splitting the profits of billions when we can't fill the car up all the way to get to work. We want to feel as if we are doing our fair share for fair wage, but we want to know that you aren't taking more than you deserve as well because you think we're too stupid to figure it out.

7). We want a home front where we can walk outside, or go to church, or go to a movie without fear of being gunned down because there are mental patients with free access to automatic weapons walking around. We'd also like to have a gun available in the case that one of those mental patients breaks loose and tries to harm our family, or to shoot cans, or deer, or rabbits. We deserve the right to life. We deserve the right to protect ourselves as well.

8). We are big boys and girls now. What we really would like is to make decisions for ourselves on a wide variety of topics and not have those decisions legislated for us. If we make a mistake regarding said decisions it's on us. We aren't beholden to a government to live our lives. We want to be able to choose. Keep your nose out of our personal lives, please.

9). We'd like, if we get sick, to have the opportunity to get well again. We'd like to do this without having to go to the poor house or having to sell our home, or bankrupt our children. This is the most basic of human rights and we should all have this opportunity. There aren't many of us that can withstand a long disability. But shit happens, right? We'd like the chance to get right again without having to die so our family can survive.

10). We'd like all of television to be reality-show free. Unless, of course, Judge Judy is deemed a reality show. We need JJ in our lives. She needs to stay.

All right, we can negotiate that last one.

But you hear all this crap about that shit or the fecal matter about things that don't really matter. I know a lot of people on both the Republican and Democratic side of the divide.



This is just some of what we want.

On that we sometimes agree.


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