My Aching Back!

Looking up information about C6 & C& and L5 in regard to degenerative disc disease and possible treatments.

I wouldn't have been doing such things a week ago. I even had to turn down a couple of real enticing offers to watch the Super Bowl with great friends so that I could be within shouting distance of three ice packs.

One on the neck. One on low back. One on still freaking sore knee.

Still working though! God help me!

And I'm staying upbeat about it, believe it or not.

The accident was one of those throw-away things. I'd been in a number of them through the years. Most of them I caused. A couple were a result of others being inattentive.

There had never been real consequences other than bent plastic and metal.

So what's different?

Once again its all about how fragile everything is...especially the body that I've treated as a Temple...

...of doom

All these years.

I've certainly taken harder hits. I flipped a freaking car upside down once!

What hits hardest of all is that it just takes a second.

One second.

Not even your fault.

Are you ready for a life-changing event?

Is it even possible to deflect the hits that are coming your way?

Upbeat! That's the ticket.

There's so much more to be concerned about then being uncomfortable as you sleep, walk and drive. I'm just uncomfortable. That's all.

It'll pass, and if it don't, I'll learn to live with it.

Keep the eyes on the prize.

It can all change with a slip of the boot.


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