Colorful Language

Don't you just love it when someone turns a descriptive phrase?

The other day someone posted on Facebook that the girl was as 'ugly as a bag of smashed assholes' and I had to chuckle. Not at the poor girl, mind you, but at the image of it all.

Through the years my editor has harped on me to be a bit more descriptive when I write. Good old Megan explained that I'm a minimalist who doesn't allow the reader to actually see the color. It wasn't an out and out criticism as it is just my style, but I have tried, in my new book to be mindful and to describe more. After all, you can see it better if I say the heavy, blue bag instead of just...the bag.

I'm reading the autobiography of George Carlin. You want to talk about a guy who can turn a phrase! Carlin was the king. He's known as the guy with the 7 dirty words, but man he was so much more. A brilliant man who did all his convincing by describing

A bag of smashed assholes. Pretty good. It brings to my a conversation I once had with my brother. He was telling me a story of another 'ugly girl' and I tried to trip him up.

"How ugly was she," I asked, interrupting him.

He never missed a beat.

"God hit her with the ugly stick so many times that his friggin arm was tired," he said.

That's ugly.

Maybe not as ugly as a bag of smashed assholes, but I got the point.


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