Do you want the good news or the bad news?

All right, let's be optimistic and break the good news first:

All of the oil companies are going to post record profits in 2012. That's the good news.

The bad news?

It's going to cost us about $4.50 a gallon over the next few months.

Now excuse me for having a tiny little brain that cannot comprehend such sophisticated matters but as the kids might say: WTF?

It's never made sense to me. How do you post record profits and hand out unbelievable salaries and bonuses while also setting record high prices for your product?

I tried to read an article on it this morning. I quit halfway through. They's that for a nice word on the subject...about the unrest in Iran. The speculated about people driving more in the summer months and that may drive up demands and because the refineries are old there may be problems there. They speculated that perhaps Americans should try and not drive so much.

A few questions.

Why are the refineries always broken down and in need of repair. Couldn't you just, for once, not take such huge profits and, I don't know, fix the freaking refineries?

Secondly, doesn't summer always come around? Don't people always drive more in the summer? Why is this a surprise to anyone anymore? After spring comes summer. Let's kind of balance budget it out, huh? Charge us $3.30 instead of $3.20 in the winter and then we can save a little in the summer that we know will come.

Unrest in Iran?

When the hell has there ever not been unrest over there? Iran, Iraq, Saudi's another little hint...they don't get along. Never have, never will. I know that we went over there and cleared up the unrest in Iraq at the cost of a few trillion that WE COULD HAVE USED FOR GAS MONEY!


And my favorite. People should try and drive less. Lessen the dependency on oil. I'm talking to you, you gas-hogging bastard.

They speak of restriction as if we can diet the problem away.

The kids need a ride home from basketball?

Here, take the little red wagon. See you in two days.

Off to work you go?

Take the bicycle. Make sure you wear your helmet.

It just pisses me off. It's going to piss me off even more when I'm standing out there pumping gas and for $70 I get to fill my tank.

Damn, I talked way too much about the bad news, didn't I?

I am really happy for BP and Exxon-Mobil and all the others. Their CEO's are going to be able to buy nice summer homes and big yachts.

Evidently that is something we can all stand up and cheer about.


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