Every Man for Himself

So the captain of the Costa Concordia seems to really be gunning for douche of the world, huh?

First he takes the ship with 4,200 people on it nice and close to the shore so he can wave to his friends and family and then when it hits a rock and tips the frig over, he announces that the crew should be saved first and that when it all comes to pass it's every man for himself.

What the hell?

Now I'm not exactly Mel Gibson (another douche) in Braveheart but I think I'd have a little compassion for the women and children on the ship, and hell, if I felt like I were responsible for everyone making a mad scramble, I might just stick around to see how it all turns out.

This guy is going to be a bigger villain than Madoff (Huge douche) before it's all over, and deservedly so, right?

Speaking of villains I see that Orenthal (dumb douche)had his house foreclosed this week. It is still so hard to imagine the path of that dumb bastards life. To be cheered by millions, adored by at least that many, and now sitting in a tiny little cell, deservedly so, right, but what can possibly go through his mind on an hour-to-hour basis?

Wouldn't you like to watch a reality show of OJ moving around his little cell?

Would you buy his foreclosed house?

It's funny, but his name still comes up here in conversation in Buffalo. It's usually something like:

"Man he was a great football player, THOUGH."

As if the though sort of explains away his two little murders.

I often think of his suicide note and how he spelled 'female' as...'femail' ....guess that USC edumacation wasn't worth much.

So, now that Tebow didn't pull off a miracle and he isn't topping the sports shows, I can honestly say that I'm glad he's someone people are looking up to.

I just didn't want to see him being set up for a huge fall.

And nobody will ever fall faster from grace than Orenthal.

Every man for himself, indeed.

He really was a great player, THOUGH.


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