A Talking President

Man, I don't get the controversy about Obama wanting to talk in the schools. Shouldn't he be afforded that luxury as president of the United States?

Perhaps I'm looking at this wrong - I know we can't make mention of God in schools - but shouldn't the leader of the free world be allowed to tell the kids to stay in school?

I ran into a mother of two the other night and she was talking about keeping her kids out of schools because Obama had the speech ready. "That's like Hitler!" she said.

"Seriously?" my wife asked. "Don't you let your kids watch Family Guy and The Simpsons? Can't they listen to the president for a few minutes?"

The mother replied - and get this - "I don't know what the hell I'm talking about. I heard someone else say that and it sounded good."

Yet it shouldn't be about Democrat or Republican. When I heard of the controversy I asked myself if I would be offended if George W sent out a message to the kids - and I wouldn't have. Wasn't he reading a book about a duck to school kids when 9/11 happened?

Educationally we have lagged behind. The moral center of the country appears to be lost. Do you really think Obama set it all up to plant subliminal messages in his speech to get the kids to harass their parents into becoming socialists?

The whole thing seems sort of absurd to me.

We wanted change, right? Isn't that what was voted in? Seems to me that some positive words that might even help one kid to stay straight is a pretty good idea.

Then again, maybe I'm wrong.

What's the general feeling on this one?


Larry L said…
I have to admit I am not an Obama backer but I cannot see any reason why I would not let him encourage my kids to stay in school and get an education. Too many people out there just do not like anything the man has to say. I think this should be the job of the parents but I know all to well with Sue teaching at a school that this is not always the case.

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