Begin Again

I was reading a story about, David Chase, the great writer of the Soprano's Series. He explained that a lot of the reason why the series worked was because Tony Soprano was a conflicted human being who people liked to root for, even though he was evil personified. He said that people wanted to root for Tony because he spent a lot of time trying to be a better person. Chase explained that we all do that, but sooner or later we slip back into what is comfortable.

Which got me thinking about my New Year's resolutions - 1). Get healthy 2). Exercise more 3). Eat like a human being instead of a dog 4). Try and be more patient 5). Stay calm 6). Finish writing a book and sign a contract for the book finished last year. 7). Drink less 8). Love more.

The sad part is - they are the same resolutions that I always have - and each December, I sit back and say - this year I'm going to do it. I'm usually throwing my hands up in defeat by the middle of January. Sadly, the only one I do on a regular basis is finish writing books.

I'm going to do it this year - no more mustard stains on my clothes. The sausage, egg and cheese bagels off of the roach coach are not an option. I'm going to try friggen' fruit! I'm going to join the YMCA and sweat out the aggravation, therefore I'll remain calm, lose weight, drink less and be happier.

I'm going to begin again - just like Tony Soprano, I'm going to turn my life around. Oh, wait, he didn't do that? How do you know? No one can figure out what happened to him in the end. Somewhere in New Jersey is a re-configured mob boss - here in Buffalo, I'll become a changed man too!


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