Uvalde - One Year Later

Little children were interviewed for the 20/20 story about the one-year anniversary of the mass shooting at Robb Elementary in Uvalde, Texas.

Excuse me, for my insensitive question, but:

What the hell are we doing?

Teachers who’ve been maimed.

Moms and Dads mourning their children, who never got the chance to live a life.

“There were hundreds of shots in a matter of minutes.”

An 18-year old kid walked into a gun store and legally purchased that weapon of war.

No questions asked.

Then that obviously mentally impaired man walked into a freaking elementary school and obliterated so many lives.

At the onset of the show the reporter said:

“It’s been a year since the world changed.”

It didn’t change!

And everyone there was wearing a shirt that said:

“Uvalde Strong.”

We’ve had strong added to hundreds of cities across this once-great nation.

It’s absolutely sickening.

And a year later, we watch a show about it.

That’s the best we can do.

The parents of those children speak about how they don’t want their kids to have died in vain.

Guess what…

…they have.

So did the kids at Parkland, in Buffalo, in Vegas, at Columbine, and hundreds more locations.

Why should anyone be able to own such a weapon that could do that?

And if one were to somehow qualify to own such a weapon…

…shouldn’t there be some laws that control their use?

In Texas, the laws are basically non-existent.

Their idiotic political leaders have guns in every hand, posing, for their Christmas card.

That was the shooting where Ted Cruz blamed the doors.

The people of the country were livid!

And still, nothing changed.

I wonder if the gutless wonders who tweet out their ‘Thoughts & Prayers’ even think about the pain.

The pain that won’t ever go away.






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