State of the Union

I didn’t watch.

I never watch the Presidential State of the Union because I can’t stand the constant clapping.

Even during the great years.

Now it’s unwatchable for a whole ‘nother reason.

The opposing party has grown accustomed to screaming out their inane comments while the man is trying to make a speech.

It’s downright embarrassing.

The one whack job (no names) was screaming ‘Liar’ as if she were at a high school assembly.

And that’s practically the state of the union, I guess.

People have felt emboldened to yell out whatever miserable thing they want no matter where they are those days.

Fast-food joint fist-fights.

People shooting each other all over every street in every corner of the country.

There is no decorum.

And I want to be careful about making sweeping generalizations because there are a lot of wonderful people in the world.

People who will help out their neighbors.

Give to the poor.

Pay for the person behind them in line.

Yet, being an older dude now, it’s hard to pretend that we haven’t lost a step when it comes to how we treat one another.

Which is surprising right?

Especially coming from those who are quick to offer ‘thoughts and prayers’ and quote Bible scripture.

We need to think about the greatest commandment of them all, no?

“Treat others as you’d like to be treated.”

Will we ever get back there?

Sadly, I may not see it.


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