Missed It!

I packed everything expertly.

My spikes.

My favorite tees.

A few baseball caps so that I could wear a different once for each round.

I charged my headphones and packed the book I’m reading and another one because I usually read a full book during a plane ride.

“You have everything?” Kathy asked.

I just looked at her.

The fact that she would ask me when we spend nearly every day in an Easter egg hunt looking for her things was comical.

“You left a phone in New York once,” she said.

“Twenty years ago,” I said. “That’s the last thing I left behind.”

I was at the airport an hour early. I lugged my golf clubs to the front desk, reached into my coat pocket for my wallet…

…and immediately panicked as I remembered the last thing I’d done before leaving the house.

I threw the ball for Ollie.

I pictured my wallet laying in the spot where I stood as I threw him passes.

I called Kathy who was leaving the airport.

“I don’t have my wallet!”

“Is it in the car?”

“No. It’s on the floor near where I sit. I was throwing the ball for Ollie. It must’ve fallen out of my jacket pocket.”

And I would probably be writing this blog from Sunny Florida, but Sam didn’t answer his phone.

Had he grabbed the wallet and brought it to Kathy in the driveway I would’ve had time.

But no!

Yet, as you read this…

…I’m either on my way there or there already.

I won’t miss golf today as we had a late tee-time scheduled because most everyone was coming in on Friday morning anyway.

So, I missed my plane!


Which is kinda’ funny because I’d been looking forward to it for so long.

“I jinxed you,” Kathy said.


Every 20 years I leave something behind.

Ollie was happy when I walked back through the door.

No passes for him this morning.


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