Life Without A Chance for Parole

The mass shooter (there are hundreds of them) here in Buffalo was sentenced to life in prison with no possibility of parole.

Obviously, a just sentence.

Yet, it was so difficult to listen to the grieving families as they addressed that coward.

Losing a loved one to pure hate has to be an impossible pill to swallow.

All of living with this is particularly insane.

It should not be a thing…


There was a mass shooting in Michigan earlier in the week. There will be another one somewhere else before the month ends.

Around and around we go.

A congressman handed out pins that were shaped like rifles.

All sorts of politicians pose with guns (everyone in the family holding one) in an effort to gain votes.

This can’t be the price we pay for freedom.

Take a look of anguish on the faces of those left behind.

Anywhere here in the United States.

Where you can get killed just for living in your American skin.


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