Will You Be My Valentine?

So, what do you know about the origins of St. Valentine’s Day?

It’s a quaint little holiday all about love, right?

Or is it a Hallmark holiday?

Turns out I didn’t know much about it...

...just that we’d have to make out a Valentine for everyone in our class in grammar school.

Then in high school you might grab some candy for the one girl you had a crush on.


“What’re we doing for Valentine’s Day?” Kathy asked.


“Will you be my Valentine?” She asked.

“Oh for God’s sakes, I’m just trying to get through the day.”

We both laughed.

But then I thought about the origins.

It was about beheadings and France celebrations of murder...

...there were at least 2 Saint Valentines.

They were both beheaded.

And now it’s all about love?

How’d we go from getting your head lopped off to chocolates and Cupid?

Seems like a bit of stretch.

But who the hell knows?

There’s a fine line between eternal love and a simple beheading.

Buddy of mine was talking about his girlfriend.

“Would you help me dig the hole?” He asked.

We both laughed.

“I’m not much for digging,” I said, “but I’ll forget we ever had this conversation.”

So, no little candy hearts.

No flowers, or chocolates!

Just a simple night of relaxing more than 20-some years into a marriage.

That’s better than losing your head...

...I guess.


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