To Do List

Some things I'd Love to Do Someday:

1). Make vanilla pudding and put it in a mayo jar and eat spoonfuls of it in public.

2). Hire two privater investigators and get them to follow each other.

3). Wear a shirt that says "Life" and then hand out lemons on the street corner.

4). Get into a crowded elevator and say, "I bet you're all wondering why I asked you to meet me here."

5). Stand at a fast-food line and ask people "Why they want fries with their order." And then tell 'em how bad they are for them.

6). Run into a crowded store and ask:


When they answer I'll run out screaming:


7). Become a Doctor and then change my last name to ACULA.

8). Change my name to Simon and then always speak in the 3rd person.

9). Buy a parrot and then teach the parrot to say:

"These bastards turned me into a bird."

10). Follow joggers around in my car and blast "Eye of the Tiger" for encouragement.


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