Photos That Make You Stop

A shot of Hitler as a baby. They say that a photo is worth a thousand words and I sort of stopped dead in my tracks looking at this one. He looks like a regular baby, right? Knowing what we knew as his life played out, it makes you wonder about who snapped the shot and then completely blew the parenting.

A Mom and her child after the bombs in Japan. This shot was supposedly taken 4 days later. When I looked at it, I wondered about the destruction. I recalled being in history class as a kid and being so proud of the fact that no one messes with the United States. We forget about the absolute destruction and that real people are over there, right?

And real people over here as well. Having lived through September 11, I know the pain in the hearts of citizens not even directly involved in the scene. Yet we were all directly involved in this. It's funny, but I can't watch the movies made, or the photos taken in real time. My heart and mind don't allow it. Every single photo of that day makes me gasp for breath. Always will.

"Oh the humanity!" I did watch the documentary on this explosion. The tremendous sadness in the man's voice has stayed with me since I saw it. "Oh the humanity!!"

And I end this little history lesson with what is billed as the last photo of the four Beatles together as a group. They busted up just days later. I saw a young girl on television with a Beatles shirt on the other day. John Lennon was killed at least 20 years before the girl was born. This photo was from 1969. And yet they have new fans. They sell millions of songs each year. That's pretty astounding, really.

And why not end on a high note?


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