Happy Birthday to Carrie's Boyfriend

And Dana's boyfriend.

And Kathy's boyfriend.

Of course Bruce is 64 today.


And I know it because a lot of the women in my life are very aware of the fact that Bruce still looks pretty good. Last week some shots of him on a beach in Rio showed up on Twitter.

My beautiful wife stared at the photo longer than she's looked at me in the last ten years.

All that and a billion dollars.

Yet it has always been sort of funny as these poor women have actually thought about it for a long time.

My sister Carrie refers to Bruce as her boyfriend.

My sister-in-law has absolute venom in her heart for Bruce's real wife. Dana can't even look at Patty without feeling rage.

And my wife?

She had never seen Bruce in concert when I met her.

She's now seen him at least 15 times. We were seated behind the stage for one show and I was a little disappointed with the last minute ticket.

"I don't mind looking at his ass for 3 and a half hours," she said.

So Bruce is 64.

That's sort of sad.

From the looks of it he'll only be able to do 4 hour concerts for about 30 more years.

"I hope I'm in that shape when I'm 64," I said.

"No offense," my wife of a whole bunch of years said, "but you ain't ever gonna' be in that shape."


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