Omaha Here I Come - Part 1

Did you know that Kansas City is about three miles from Kansas?

Or about ten miles from Iowa?

Or about twenty miles from Nebraska?

The mile markers might not be right, but I was in all of those states in a real short time. When I saw the sign that said "WELCOME TO IOWA" I about pissed myself.

"IOWA?" I yelled to the car.

Then when I was just East of Omaha Bob Seger's Turn the Page came on.

On a long and lonesome highway East of Omaha

"I'm on that highway!" I screamed.

And let me tell's long and lonesome. Old Bob wasn't lying.

Mile after mile passed. I was begging to see a freaking (word substitution) cow somewhere along the way.

I tried calling home.

Sam was a wise ass.

Glad I'm missed.

And I drove on. Mile after mile.

I arrived in Omaha, visited a site, and then due to the worst planning in the history of the world, drove back to Kansas City.

Mile after mile.

"Just give me a freaking (see above) cow!"

On to the airport.

Return the rental car.

Get on a shuttle bus.

Wait for the plane.

Board the plane.

Please God give me a good companion for the ride.

A 60 year old woman sat beside me.

She worked hard to get her travel bag under the seat.

It made a noise.

"Do you have a dog in there?" I asked.

"Yes, shhhhh," she said.

And then she sneezed.

(See you's a freaking beauty.)


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